Month: October 2020

5 quick wins to inhibit prevalent construction scheduling setbacks.

Reading Time: 3 minutesIn an endeavor to help construction companies level down on administrative tasks and enhance project communication, this blog acts as a comprehensive guide to help you deliver projects on budget and time. This can be achieved without compromising construction quality. Construction delays are a prevalent challenge within the AEC industry. Construction projects can face cost

Top 9 advantages of running your small business in the cloud.

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe cloud has been in existence for more than 20 years, but it has gained significant traction in the last five years. The elevated use of data for businesses has made it imperative for businesses to adopt cloud computing to improve processes, workflows, security, performance, progress, and more. Cloud technology has penetrated the lives of

So you say, You’re a construction project manager. What does that mean & what do construction project managers do?

Reading Time: 7 minutesConstruction project managers are responsible and directed to oversee project operations for a building project. A construction project manager collaborates with architects, engineers, and other project stakeholders from start to end. Construction project managers are trained professionals who can lead the team, and hold exceptional technical expertise. These professionals are responsible for taking the project

Learn how construction firms are leveraging construction document storage & cloud-based construction management software

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn a traditional working environment, construction documents can be found in both – paper and digital format. Paper-based documentation can become extremely daunting for various stakeholders viz. Architects, designers, engineers, contractors, sub-contractors, etc. Building reliable systems can be quite expensive as it needs the required hardware, software, and manpower resources. Furthermore, sending paper-based documents from