Month: July 2020

Online Video Conferencing Software

The Next Big Thing to expect in the world of Video Conferencing in 2025.

Reading Time: 3 minutesCloud-based video conferencing will lead to exceptional market growth in the next seven years. A couple of years ago we praised the evolution of video conferencing software. We witnessed how drastically it changed the way enterprises communicate and operate. The video conferencing solutions market is going to become stronger in businesses as we move from

Online Video Conferencing Software

Top perks of video conferencing for the retail sector

Reading Time: 2 minutesVideo conferencing has proven to produce exceptional operational benefits for enterprises across various business verticals. The retail sector has proved to leverage significant growth by deploying video conferencing software. By incorporating video conferencing in business processes and operations. The retail market has been able to bring in a lot of flexibility in marketing and sales

Online Video Conferencing Software

Why you need the Best Video Conferencing Suite that can help drive your business.

Reading Time: 3 minutesAre you running an enterprise that operates through various locations? Are you having a challenging time setting up a meeting for your dispersed teams? Then you need to jump in and consider video conferencing software for a good number of reasons. With teams residing in remote locations, meeting hosts can leverage comprehensive HD audio &

Cloud Storage Solution


Reading Time: 2 minutesSmall businesses can leverage cloud storage to store and access data via the web, through virtual data centers also known as the cloud. Adopting cloud storage enables small business owners scale-on-demand. Every business – small, medium, or big- has embraced the cloud to reap a myriad of opportunities & benefits. Small businesses hosted in the

Video Conferencing Software

Video Conferencing Restaurant Solutions: Drive better collaboration & training for your restaurant business

Reading Time: 2 minutesAs the restaurant technology is evolving, it is helping restaurant business owners and franchises deal with tough challenges – in the kitchen, on the counter, and through the organization. It can be demanding to keep everyone on the same thought in terms of creating new recipes, training, and generating greater sales. But video conferencing technology

Free Cloud Storage

Maximize Your Cloud Storage Benefits To Make The Right Decisions

Reading Time: 3 minutesIs your enterprise aware of what cloud storage benefits can be leveraged? Does your organization use cloud-based storage software Google Drive, iFCloud, One Drive, etc. to store your company data? Knowing what cloud storage benefits are accessible can help you make the right call for your storage needs. This blog will focus on the Top

Free Video Conference

Top Real-Estate Video Conferencing to help Realtor’s practice Real-Estate from a Distance.

Reading Time: 3 minutesFor home-buyers in competitive markets, it feels like a rat-race to explore dream homes. As soon as it comes out in the market, there’s a flurry of homebuyers ready to swoop in to cut a deal. Realtors or Real-Estate agencies need to come up with modern innovations to serve clients better across their locations. Thanks

TOP 7 Benefits of cloud storage for Healthcare

TOP 7 Benefits of cloud storage for Healthcare

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe healthcare industry generates large amounts of vital data that is extremely sensitive in terms of patient care & better healthcare results. As healthcare professionals, hospitals, etc. move their data on the cloud, we need to understand the prime benefits of information management. #Quick & easy access to healthcare information. Quick & easy access to

Top Video Conferencing

What is telemedicine & how has video conferencing transformed the Healthcare Sector?

Reading Time: 2 minutesToday’s quick-paced technology has enabled a paradigm transformation in the healthcare sector. The world has noticed significant advancements in medicine, procedures, and the use of video conferencing for doctors and patients to access healthcare. Today’s healthcare facilities face perplexing challenges, and connecting healthcare professionals and patients is one of them. With iFMeets, doctors can give

Free online meeting

Is Cloud Storage The Right Solution To Backup Your Photos?

Reading Time: 3 minutesPhotographers – be it amateurs or professionals need the perfect storage solution to store & backup their photos. Storing photos on physical drives like pen drives, flash drives, or external drives can be a solution, but it isn’t the most secure one. It is very easy to copy your photos on physical drives, but if

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