Tag: sub-contractors

RFI are important for sub-contractors

Why RFI’s are so important for sub-contractors.

Reading Time: 6 minutesRequests for Information (RFIs) are an essential part of any construction project, and sub-contractors play a crucial role in ensuring that the process runs smoothly. RFIs are used to clarify and document information related to the construction project, and they are an essential tool for sub-contractors to communicate with the general contractor (GC) and other

iFieldsmart - Specialty Contractors.

Here’s how iFieldSmart solves challenges for specialty contractors.

Reading Time: 7 minutesWhilst procurement and cost challenges plague specialty contractors, the construction industry faces another obstacle of labor shortage along with other challenges that require a cloud-based tech to solve their problem. Specialty contractors need to navigate these dark waters by latching onto a simple, yet powerful construction management platform that eliminates the negative impact of traditional

The significance of managing submittal workflows correctly with iFieldSmart Technologies.

Reading Time: 3 minutesDesign teams, owners, and other stakeholders require supplemental information about project materials, components, equipment, etc. to be handed over before actual onsite installation begins. The review and approval process for these submittals isn’t just for an aesthetic purpose, but it serves as a critical component for project structural integrity. Contractors need to manage submittals and

Learn how construction firms are leveraging construction document storage & cloud-based construction management software

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn a traditional working environment, construction documents can be found in both – paper and digital format. Paper-based documentation can become extremely daunting for various stakeholders viz. Architects, designers, engineers, contractors, sub-contractors, etc. Building reliable systems can be quite expensive as it needs the required hardware, software, and manpower resources. Furthermore, sending paper-based documents from